
Yoga is a path toward deeper connection with your body, spirit, and place in the world.

It’s a moving meditation, an arena of exploration, and a way to practice mindfulness.

I came to this practice over 15 years ago, and it remains a touchstone and anchor in my life. I love sharing it with others.

yoga with mandy

My teaching style is often described as friendly, supportive, and educational. I provide plenty of opportunities to practice listening to your body and your breath as you move, with gentle reminders along the way.

I was trained in the Vinyasa style of yoga, and my personal practice and teaching style still has this foundational flavor (very breath focused), but is typically slower and more forgiving than the faster-paced vinyasa classes found in most studios. It’s a nice blend of slow and steady + fluid movement.

1:1 Sessions

If the idea of attending a yoga class is intimidating to you, or if you simply want some dedicated attention as you grow your practice, you’ll benefit from a 1:1 session. I help take the mystery out of yoga asana and help you connect more deeply with your body, and the practice. One-time sessions and session packages available.

Starts at $60

Group Experiences

Great for companies, bachelorette parties, and vacation activities! Provide your employees or friends with a stress-relieving session to promote well-being and recharge those personal batteries. Tailor-made for your group, these sessions are fantastic way to foster connectedness to self and one another.

Starts at $300

I’m also available for custom yoga-experiences at retreats & events. Let’s chat!

What it’s like to practice with me:


“Nurture is Mandy’s nature. I have always felt welcome and held in her yoga classes. The space she holds is full of tender loving care and built upon a sturdy foundation of good-old-fashioned book smarts. She knows the body. She is a master of the art. You’re in the best hands.”


“Yoga seemed too complicated to practice. I always wanted to learn but never really found the time. After just a few classes, Mandy helped me comprehend yoga’s purpose and better connect to each pose and transition.”


“Mandy is the best yoga instructor ever and has shown me the value and joy of yoga. She’s always very accommodating, offers alternative poses, and keeps the flow of transitions and exertion smooth. It’s fascinating just how many different styles, moves, and poses she teaches, as is her knowledge with helpful tips for a healthy body. And lastly, she has a very kind heart, soothing presence, and truly cares for each individual.”


“I love Mandy’s yoga classes. Many times, I’d show up with a busy mind and anxious body. As soon as I walked in the door, I would feel myself start to relax. By the end of class, I feel completely relaxed.”


“Mandy, you are a compassionate teacher. Not just of yoga as a practice but also life in general. No matter what I was carrying with me the day of your class, I always left feeling refreshed, renewed, and abundant.”


“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”

— The Bhagavad Gita